MBIS, MBISS AM Ch/Can GCh. Xoe Eleki’s Emerald City

BIS MBISS Am/Can Ch Xoe’s Cassius Clay
Am Ch School House Pocket Watch
Am Ch Pocket’s In the Park
Am Ch Full Moon’s Blazing Bernardo
FullMoon’s Lela The Rare
Am Ch Glory’s Heidi Heidi Ho
Am Ch Glory’s Dandelion
Am Ch Glory’s Dizzy All Day
Ch Xoe’s Vogue
Am Ch Sycamore’s Kirby Cut To The Chase
BISS Am Ch Brazos River HMS Diamond Cutter
Am/Can Ch Kirby’s Epi Center
Ch Xoe’s Phoebe
Am Ch Hilton’s Woodbridge of PJ
Ch Second Hand News
Ch. Rose’s Million Dollar Baby
MBIS MBISS Am/Can Ch Xoe’s Oscar De La Hoya
Am Ch School House Pocket Watch
Am Ch Pocket’s In the Park
Am Ch Glory’s Heidi Heidi Ho
Ch Xoe’s Vogue
Am Ch Sycamore’s Kirby Cut To The Chase
Ch Xoe’s Phoebe
Ch. Rose’s Bella Stellina
Am Ch Moonstruck’s Lucky Star
Am Ch Mianda’s Wejwood Design
Am Ch Moontruck’s Material Girl
Am Ch Lord Pug Miss Italia-FV
Lord Pug Puka
Lord Pug Chocolat

About Oz

D.O.B: June 4, 2014

​OFA Hips: Moderate

OFA Elbows: Normal

OFA Patellas: Normal


PK Def: N/N

DM: Carrier

Spine and trachea normal by practitioner

OFA Eyes: Normal with breeder options.

In August of 2014 Oz was placed in a home on a co-ownership with a family I thought I knew and trusted. By June the following year I was starting to get reports of a breach of contract in regards to the living conditions Oz was being kept in and by August 2015 I rescued him back. He had suffered some physical conditions, which healed easily in my care, however, the mental and emotional issues he has suffered, we continue to battle with. He has come along way in my care and is currently co-owned and living with Michelle Chisholm of Siosalach Shar-Pei and Pugs in Ontario where he continues to thrive and make progress.

Oz’s record includes 9 BISS, 3 all breed BIS and at his retirement show he was Select Dog at the Central Carolina Pug Dog Club held in association with the National.